Updated COVID-19 information for Morley, as of January 11, 2021.
Since yesterday, there have been 17 new cases reported. There are now 103 active cases being managed by Stoney Health Services.
Please follow the new restrictions that are effective immediately, per signed BCR:
• No house to house visiting or gathering of any kind
• Curfew from 8pm to 6am, except for work, health or emergency purposes
• Stoney Tribal Chiefs, Council, Administrators, and staff are not to attend any type of service or gathering
Please follow the new restriction effective 11:59 Tuesday, January 12, 2021, per signed BCR:
• Funerals or wakes are no longer allowed on the reserve
Penalties regarding isolation, quarantine, and gatherings will be enforced by authorities.
Please do your part to stop the spread. Stay home and stay safe.