Aba Wathtech

Welcome to Stoney Nakoda

2024 Pow Wow


Drop-in COVID-19 vaccine clinics (April 20, 21 and 22) – April 19, 2021

Need a nudge to get your COVID vaccine?


Take a look back at the past few weeks and get inspired by some Nation members who made the personal choice to get vaccinated.


Check out the video: https://youtu.be/Wd_i5aTgZZw


Throughout this week, we will be featuring members and sharing their thoughts as they get vaccinated. The whole series will be featured on the Stoney Health website: https://stoneyhealth.com/covid-19-vaccine-clinics/


Drop-in COVID-19 vaccine clinics Tues thru Thurs this week, 12-5:30 pm at the Family Resource Centre (Wesley Lodge). Walk-ins welcome! Open to all members 50+ and those with health issues born after 2003.