Duty to Consult
What is the Duty to Consult?
The duty to consult with Aboriginal Peoples is a legal and constitutional duty of both the federal and provincial governments.
The Crown alone is legally responsible for the consequences of its actions and interactions with third parties that affect Aboriginal interests. The Crown may delegate procedural aspects of consultation to industry proponents seeking a particular development but the honour of the Crown cannot be delegated.
The Stoney Nakoda Nations’
Consultation Office
The Stoney Nakoda Nations (SNN) Consultation Office established in 2007, represents the three distinct Stoney Nakoda Nations (“SNN”) comprised of the Bearspaw First Nation, Chiniki First Nation and Goodstoney First Nation that are situated on; the Stoney Indian Reserves #142,143,144 at Morley, Alberta; the Eden Valley Indian Reserve #216; the Rabbit Lake Indian Reserve #142B; and the Bighorn Reserve #144A. The SNN were signatories to Treaty 7 in 1877. Stoney Nakoda is an Indian Band, defined under the Indian Act.
The Chiefs and Councils of the SNN have the authority to protect the collective rights and interests of the SNN as recognized by Treaty 7 and the Natural Resources Transfer Act, 1930, and protected by Section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982 (collectively known as “Section 35 Rights”).
All “off reserve” consultation activities should be addressed to:
William Snow
Acting Director of Consultation
Stoney Tribal Administration
P.O. Box 120,
Morley, AB, T0L1N0
Cell: 587 580 6212
Cathy (Baptiste) Arcega
Project Analyst/Coordinator
Stoney Consultation Office
Office: 403.881.2618
Cell: 403.874.4466
* For ease of processing, proponents should review the Stoney First Nation Land Claim Area Map, the Stoney Nakoda Traditional Land Map and include a completed Stoney Information Letter Form with submissions.
The Bison Cultural Project in Mînî Rhpa Mâkoche or Banff National Park
The Bison Cultural Project, led by William Snow, Acting Director of Stoney Consultation at Stoney Tribal Administration, brings together Traditional Ecological Knowledge and Western science to redefine a more holistic approach to conservation and land management. The film serves as a powerful tool to raise awareness about this unique collaboration between the Stoney Nakoda First Nation and Parks Canada and its significance in promoting Indigenous cultural heritage and ecological sustainability.
The Stoney Nakoda Consultation Office is supported by Consultation Officers appointed by each of the three Nations comprising the Stoney Nakoda Nations.

Bearspaw First Nation
Gavin Ear
Bearspaw Consultation Officer, Morley
Email: gavine@stoney-nation.com
Cell: 403.969.2868
Larry Daniels Jr.
Eden Valley Consultation Officer
Email: ldaniels@stoney-nation.com
Cell: 403.333.3440

Chiniki First Nation
Conal Labelle
Chiniki Consultation Officer, Morley
Email : conall@stoney-nation.com
Cell : 587-228-8711

Goodstoney First Nation
Chris Goodstoney
Goodstoney Consultation Officer, Morley
Email: chrisg@stoney-nation.com
Phone: 403-881-4257
Cell: 403-369-0432
Barry Wesley
Big Horn Consultation Officer
Email: barryw@stoney-nation.com
Cell: 403-846-8781