Stoney Nakoda
Ambulance ServiceNakoda Ambulance has two advanced life support ambulances serving the Stoney Nation and Bow Valley.
These ambulances operate twenty-four hours a day.
Health Information Online
Go to to find a symptom checker, as well as information about COVID-19 and other health concerns.
Health Link Alberta
Call Health Link by dialing 811 for quick and easy advice from a registered nurse 24/7. They will ask questions, assess symptoms, and determine the best care for you. Remember, in a medical emergency, always call (403) 932-2222 or 911 or visit the nearest emergency department.
You can also visit the Health Link Website for more information.
Are you experiencing a
medical emergency?
Are you or someone you know experiencing chest pain, having trouble breathing, acting confused or bleeding? Call (403) 932-2222 for an ambulance.
For current postings, check out the Stoney Nation job postings page by clicking here (coming soon).
Contact Information
If you have questions, comments or concerns
Box 248
Morley, AB T0L1N0