Updated COVID-19 information for Morley, as of December 24, 2020.
Since yesterday, 1 new case has been reported. There are now 43 active cases being managed by Stoney Health Services.
Stay home and away from others if you or a member of your immediate household:
- have been diagnosed with COVID-19 or are waiting for the results of a lab test for COVID-19
- have been in close contact with someone who has or is suspected to have COVID-19
- are in quarantine or isolation
- feel sick or have any symptoms, even if mild
Please remember, you are legally required to quarantine for 14 days from the time you were exposed and monitor for symptoms if you are a close contact of a person who tested positive for COVID-19.
We would like to remind the community that the safest way to celebrate or enjoy the holidays is with members of your immediate household. Your household is anyone who currently lives and shares common spaces in your household