Aba Wathtech

Welcome to Stoney Nakoda

2024 Pow Wow


Stoney Health Services – COVID 19 Vaccine Clinics

With protecting loved ones and an eye towards future gatherings in the community, Chiniki First Nations Councillor Jordie Mark reveals why getting the COVID-19 vaccine is personally so important. He reflects on the past year with pride at the community’s response and what our People should continue to do to #stopthespread.


Check out his vaccine experience:



Vaccine clinics continue at the Family Resource Centre (Wesley Lodge) in Morley for Nation members  50+, born in 2003 or earlier with health issues and anyone who needs who received their 1st dose prior to March 21.


#StopTheSpread #ShotOfHope #COVIDvaccine #COVID19 #StoneyNakoda