Updated COVID-19 information for Morley, as of August 27, 2021
6 new positive cases have been reported since the last update. There are 6 active cases being managed by Stoney Health Services in Morley.
Stoney Health Services is now reporting that the B.1.617 variant, also known as the ‘Delta variant’, has been identified in our community. The Delta variant is now the dominant strain in Alberta and in Morley. Delta spreads easily between people and may lead to more severe outcomes than other versions of COVID-19.
Vaccination is the best way to protect yourself, your family, and your community. It is recommended that everyone aged 12 years and older get fully vaccinated as soon as possible. Also, please continue to wear masks in indoor public places, even if you’re vaccinated.
If you’re feeling sick, please do not go to work or attend school. Please get tested and stay home.
Stay home. Stay Safe. Take care.